We're big fans of local writer and bookseller Jaclyn Crupi, who has just released her latest book Garden Like a Nonno. It's full of all the best tips for growing and preserving produce the Italian nonno way, and is a follow up to her wildly popular Nonna Knows Best.
"I was fortunate enough to garden with my nonnos from a very young age, and they taught me everything I know about gardening," says Jaclyn.
"The resilience and knowledge they passed on has given me not only a garden full of food and a well-stocked larder, but a piano, piano (slowly, slowly) approach to life that comes in handy in these rapidly changing times."
In Garden Like a Nonno, you'll learn how to:
• Save your seeds to become a frugal gardener
• Plant and harvest according to the moon and the seasons
• Start a compost bin and worm farm
• Choose your chickens wisely and keep them safe and healthy
• Make zucchini pickles and egg pasta using your own produce.
Plus, take Jaclyn’s quiz to assess your nonno potential, and don’t miss her tips on how to get in touch with your inner nonno (step
one: put on a canottiera/singlet, go into the garden and lean on a shovel.)
Jaclyn has been generous enough to share an extract from the book with us, and you. It's a beautiful and practical chapter all about growing with the seasons.
Click here to read the extract, and pick up your very own copy of Garden Like a Nonno in our shop.