nonna knows best - especially about olive oil

nonna knows best - especially about olive oil

We know Jaclyn Crupi as one of our longest and most loyal customers. You might know her from The Hill of Content Bookshop, or from her many kids books. We were delighted when Jaclyn chose to write about the wisdom of her Nonna - especially when it comes to olive oil...

Jaclyn's latest book celebrates the passion, generosity of spirit and good old-fashioned wisdom of nonnas and shares the secrets that make them so special, including mouth-watering recipes from la cucina della nonna (nonna’s kitchen) and the many and varied uses for olive oil, inside and out!  

We also thought you might like Nonna Knows Best, too, so we have listed the book for sale in our shop: click here to purchase.

Front cover of Jaclyn Crupi's book, 'Nonna Knows Best'
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