three ways to cook with our arbequina extra virgin olive oil

three ways to cook with our arbequina extra virgin olive oil
Our 2021 pressed Arbequina extra virgin olive oil has a fresh, slightly-sweet aroma with hints of vanilla and freshly cut grass. This delicate oil has a wonderful buttery texture and a well balanced bitterness and pepperiness. Here are three delicious ways to use this smooth and versatile olive oil.

spanish mackerel with chatni gashneez, walnuts and green olives

spanish mackerel with chatni gashneez, walnuts and green olives
Recipe provided by Adam Wolfers from Gerard's Bistro.Get the recipe here.

roasted crushed faba beans with cumin & lime, broccolini & labne

roasted crushed faba beans with cumin & lime, broccolini & labne
Recipe provided by Almay Jordaan (Neighbourhood Wine / Old Palm Liquor)
Get the recipe here.

baker bleu sweet potato pizza

roasted crushed faba beans with cumin & lime, broccolini & labne
Recipe provided by Baker Bleu

Get the recipe here.
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